Thursday, June 10, 2010

Team Fitness Sponsors the 5th Annual Capoeira Festival

Team Fitness, North Vancouver's Exclusive Personal Training studio is sponsoring this weekend's 5th Annual Capoeira Festival. This festival is hosted by group Capoeira Males (pronounced mall-ays) and will take place over the weekend of June 11th.
The festival brings teachers and students from all over the world together to celebrate the changing of belts and welcoming new students into the world of Capoeira. Over the weekend there will be workshops held as well as a presentation event on Sunday June 13th at Vancouver Community College, Broadway campus 11:30-2pm.

Capoeira is a Brazilian dance-like martial art created by African Slaves in the colonial era. It is an exciting practice that ties together all elements of physical fitness: strength, endurance, balance and flexibility. Capoeira offers a unique mix of martial arts, dance, play and innovative movement. The rich history and freedom of movement are what separates capoeira from other martial arts. Capoeira is a form of expression and communication and a way to break down the barriers of everyday living. Capoeira's music, language, acrobatics and culture enrich your training and keep you engaged. Come experience this invigorating opportunity to increase your fitness, be a part of a community and unwind from the stress of the day.

Team Fitness is happy to sponsor this group as two of our staff members are also students with this group and will participate in the event.