Please come join Team Fitness on Saturday, July 31st at Ambleside Park from 1-6pm for a Goodbye Get Together for TF Trainer Sam. We are very sad to see such a huge asset to our Team have to go back home to Australia, but Sam will be progressing further into his feild of Exercise Physiology and most importantly continuing on in using his natural talent of helping people advance in health and fitness!
We will miss Sam and we have been so lucky to have had him on board with us. Luckily, we have Lexi Harris continuing on with Sam's Post Rehab clients. Sam and Lexi have worked together in learning and designing the best path of program design for many clients who have other areas of concern that affect their ability to exercise. Lexi is very excited to continue on the Post Rehab Programming for Team Fitness.
So come on out to our Pot-Luck Goodbye Party for Sam on Saturday July 31st and enjoy some Super Fun with us!!
Bring a dish and dig in to some good food too!!
See you there,
The Team