Friday, January 11, 2013

Happy New Year message from Team Fitness!

With the big date change comes the grand opportunity to update how you do things. That means better working, better health and of course better strides towards achieving your big life time dreams.

So are you ready for it?

As you toss out 2012 and usher in 2013, bring with it changes to make your life fuller, richer and more lived. That's right: You have the power to make this year your best yet. So where do you start you ask? Well start with your health of course! Nothing is more important than your own health and fitness and at Team Fitness we can give you all the tips and support you need to succeed in 2013 and for the rest of your new lifestyle change.

So what else can you do?

Try new things

Caught up in your routine? Shedding what's comfortable and venturing out either on your own or as a family with new things can change everything for the better. Partner training is another great tool you can venture into with friends and family.

But what is most important is to be willing to try new things, fall down, learn and keep moving in a direction that allows you to expand into your next chapter,"to be the person you have always wanted to be". Why? because "You are here to grow. You are here to make an impact. You are here to evolve into the fullest expression of who you are."

So make 2013 the year you take new classes, fly away on big trips or sign your biggest clients yet. At Team Fitness we believe "It's the year that you love with every fiber of your being and the year that you let people know how much you care about making a difference to yourself and of course to the rest of the world'.

Have a mantra

Resolutions are fine, but having a personal mantra is even better. It speaks to your goals while also serving as an encouraging reminder.

"Have a saying that fits for you and start each day by stating it and even think ahead about the day's events to see what might be challenging to be aware of," says Stuart A. Kaplowitz, MFT. "A mantra is about personal growth and the way we would like things to be in our lives. You get to decide how your life goes."

Educate yourself

What makes others tick? Find out more about how the human psyche works with a class."Learn about the fundamentals of positive psychology by taking a class, reading a book or listening to a lecture... Knowing about why emotional flourishing matters so much to success, and having tools to change your happiness set point can change your life in profound ways," says Caroline Adams Miller, MAPP, author of Creating Your Best Life. Why not educate your body and mind at Team fitness....Check out our video below.

Not your cup o'tea? That's OK. Choose a class that speaks to your interests whether it's taking better photos of your kids or improving your writing or something entirely different.

In the end its your year to do what ever you want and what ever you've dreamed about doing! So what are you waiting for? GET OUT THERE AND DO IT!

Have a great year from everyone at TEAM FITNESS!