Saturday, October 08, 2011

Another Level of Team Fitness

Joanne Gagne Burt
Competing in her first ever Bikini Competition on October 29,2011

Here is a little more about Joanne and her experience:

1) How old are you and what inspired you to start competing in Bikini?
I am 30 years of age, I have always enjoyed fitness of any sort, so when I would go to the store and see fitness mag's or Oxygen magazines, I always fantasize on what it would be like to see myself on the cover, and looking at those beautiful bodies, would just amaze me, so last year, after being not that happy with my physique, I finally spoke to Leanne with Team Fitness for help, and she said no problem she would get me to where I wanted to be and then it was minutes later, I thought," I want to compete and go for a real challenge," well after trying for a month it was not the right time for me, and I told myself, " one more year, then that’s it! " Now another year has come, and I am 3 weeks away from competing at Muscle beach bikini classic..

2) How does your husband and kids help you keep on track? It’s been hard, we all love food, but my husband loves the gym, and my kids are always fed very healthy to a point, lol.. It’s been basically, a lot of self- motivation, pretty much pure will-power on my part to keep going,

3) You are three weeks away from your first competition, what is a typical day like for you at this time? A typical day for me now, since the days are so short, they have changed a bit , ! get up in the am and get my kids off to school, eat my breakfast and go for a run, once I get home I do my duties of a mom, then my am snack, then I continue with my daily chores, being a stay at home mom at the moment, then my lunch about noon, then I hit the gym for a couple hrs, one day upper body, next day lower body, then I have my after noon snack, then I continue on my mom chores, once the kids get home, I hang out with them till supper time, so cook supper, feed them, the hubby, then myself, clean up time, then pm cardio, when that’s all done, I make sure home work (reading) is all done, then get them ready for the next day, take my shake and bed time, ...

4) What do you like the best about this experience?

I love a challenge, and when someone tells me I can’t do something, look out, lol.. and with this experience I’ve sure come to realize, ANYONE CAN DO ANYTHING IF THEY PUT THERE HEART AND SOUL INTO IT!.... you just need to WANT IT bad enough,

5) What are your goals in this industry? I have always wanted to be on the front cover of Oxygen Magazine, and to be a fully sponsor model, I won’t stop till I get there..

I am convinced that Joanne will do anything she sets her mind to as she has proven great discipline and positivety throughout this journey to reach her goal of competing for the first time.
Joanne started the TF Competitive Meal Plan 12 weeks out of competition date where she eats a lot of Omega 3's to sustain hormone balance and healthy skin/hair, along with eating plenty of fibre and protein to aid in proper digestion and muscle maintenance throughout. Joanne has trained with weights for many years prior to her decision to compete which is very important in building the framework of a physique before leaning out for competition.
Joanne has committed herself to accomplishing this goal naturally without sacrificing her health! Good work Joanne, we are all excited to see your competition pictures and in the near future your stellar physique on a Magazine one day!!

Your biggest fan, Leanne

Competition Pictures to come y'all! Stay tuned and Good Luck Joanne!